Sunday, January 31, 2010
Lets Resolve...
I am Indian...

I am born rich, I am born poor
But I am born to struggle.
I am growing Indian
I learn and learn
I learn science, I learn religion
I learn family, I learn relation.
I learn reverence, I learn sanctity
I am teenager Indian
I try to be independent
I am impinged upon by my parents,
Yet have my own personality
I go to school,
Because that is what I know I have to do
I prepare for medical or engineering
And some lucky one's get into arts or some other field
I go to college.
I am a college going Indian
I am from north, I am from south
I am Hindu, I am Muslim
But I live in same hostel
I learn again
I learn friendship,
I learn late night outings,
And enjoy them the most
I learn group studies,
And then decide never to do them again
And then again call friends for group study
I learn last minute submissions
And feel its fun.
I learn a "who cares" attitude
I feel that is cool
I learn about girls
Before that they were more of a type of species
Now it becomes a special type
I learn religion
And cricket is my topmost religion
I learn to drink and drink
And then puke
I learn the word virginity
And try to lose it as soon as possible
Some lose and some carry till their marriage and even beyond
I am naïve and enjoy the sojourn
But now I learn from life
I learn from my experiences
I am just-college-passed corporate Indian
I learn competition
I learn nothing is impossible
I learn to never give up
I learn only to go ahead
I learn what to carry and what to leave with time
Though I end up carrying most of the wrong ones
But that is how I learn
I miss my college days the most
I miss all those days that I spent with my friends
I learn they can't be around
And then plan when we can meet next
But most of the time its gets postponed
I am busy
I am busy running
Chasing a car like a dog
Who doesn't know what he will do if he catches one
I learn to prioritize the things
I learn to do things that I like
I am a dreamer Indian
I see a dream
I learn to work on that
I learn problems, I learn hardships
But I always have those relations
And the friends and the old learning
I learn to take responsibility
And try to bring a change to my country
My dreams converge with the dreams of everyone
Because we all work for each other
I dream a new India
India with no one dying of food
India with no one fighting with each other
India with all religions together
And all the castes similar
I am a fighting Indian
I fight to make things better
And when I see India growing
I am a satisfied Indian
The shackles of Virtual Reality...
Never Say Die...
Work day, work nights, work throughout, and suddenly you realize that you haven’t done enough. Living on a hope for months, planning the things out and one day you feel that you cannot carry the whole load. All the dreams shattering in front of your eyes and you cannot do anything than to see them go. You know that you can do, but don’t have the stamina to hold the opposing winds. What to call this? Is this lack of spirit, loss of hopes or withering self confidence? Sometimes you feel that why are you doing this or not doing that, why are you living such life, do you really enjoy this, or you have to do this? But still you keep on going, doing things that you feel you like and avoiding the dislikes. The problem comes when you have to do what you never wanted to do, and then also you do that and try to find contentment in that, and to a great extent you achieve that. But what about the dreams that you thought of, or the aim you had. Where does that go? It resides somewhere in your heart and keeps on pinching you every day at least a hundred times, whenever you feel to keep yourself busy. You try to escape easiness in order to escape the reality. You indulge yourself into activities that could make you a satisfied person, but you cannot escape the veracity. You pass through various vicissitudes of life and keep on growing, but actually you are stagnant, because your dreams are still there where you left them. Dreams are easy to make, difficult to turn them into reality and impossible to forget them. Life is not about how much money you have made or how many relationships you have made; it’s about how many dreams have been fulfilled. Whatever you want is a part of your dream only, you keep on wishing and keep on working for, and keep on getting then you are satisfied. But sometimes in life you do not get all what you want, never loose hope, never let your dreams go, they will surely hurt you some day, if you let them go without fighting, or giving up in middle of the battle. Hope, will and self confidence can make you achieve whatever you wish to. They will give you the power to withstand the atrocities. And one day when you are old enough to only think, you will realize that how much you have gained or rather earned in life. You will surely be able to count your defeats as wee, but that is how life goes on.
Never say die…
Saturday, January 30, 2010
I Live Entrepreneurship...

Entrepreneurship is a feeling, and you must feel that. The feel to have a company of yours, people working for you, loads of work on your head, meeting deadlines, shouting clients, all files around the table, every second a different phone call... WOW!!! I just love it, its an amazing feeling to be in that world. The world of entrepreneurs, the business world. It is a dream for me. For me its as passionate a feeling, as speed for a F1 driver, as goal for a soccer player, as love for Romeo and Juliet. I live it every moment...
I dream of being an Entrepreneur...
I dream of being an entrepreneur. And I work for that, maybe not full time but yes at least everyday sometime. But sometimes one gets a feeling that what is the right time to start, if I am ready to take the responsibility, if I have it in me, if I will be able to survive. Many question pop up into your mind and in an attempt to solve those, we end up in collecting a few more for the next time thoughts. I tried a few things, had a venture during my college days, still having some ideas and struggling with them. I have my friends who also started their ventures, some are doing good, some are struggling and some gave up. I tried to find out the answers with them and with myself and I think I found some of them.I feel the following three are the primary one, if they are answered by you in any way, then there will be no more questions, the most important one is when to start, then comes how will I get money to start, and then how much will I earn through that.
What is the right time to start?
There is never a wrong time to start the right thing. If you feel that it is right time, then it is. I know, it sounds too literary. Lets think it practically now. You passed out of the college and you have no job, no means to earn. You are not a management graduate, you have no experience in the field of entrepreneurship , and you have not even sold a pen in your life. But you have your idea, you passion and your dream of being an entrepreneur, what you will do; I think you have no other option than to work for that. So why is it that if you have a job then you wait for the right time to come. Trust me if you will wait for the right time, it will never come. I started working when I was in college, because I felt that this is the right time. Yes, you may have some short term goals, maybe to collect some amount of money , but as soon as you reach that don't wait more. Just dive into. Here there is a threshold, as soon as you overcome that threshold of having a right feeling to start, that's the right time.
Do I have money to support my Idea?
My concept for money has been, money is a fluid, and it flows. And it has a definite path, as hot air rises up, or air flows from high pressure to low pressure, or a particles tends to achieve the most stable state, the money flows from less brainy to more brainy. Its only matter of time sometimes it flows away from you, because there is someone smarter than you and sometimes it flows towards you, because you are smarter than others. Though I will suggest that don't go for Venture Capitalist in the beginning, if you think that you don't have money to actually start your business, start some supporting business, earn through that and then start your main business. Try hitting VC's only after you have established something. Say for example, you want to start a restaurant and don't have money , start doing delivery business, make some clients, then hit VC's it will be easier to get them then. Straightaway with a big budget, you go to VC, he is never gonna invest on a novice. Its purely practical and purely business. ( i have evaluated this on the basis of one of my friend's real time experience)
How much will I earn through my business?
Sincere advices, if you are starting for the sake of money, don't start.
You are an entrepreneur, entrepreneurship is a feeling, and you must feel that. The feel to have a company of yours, people working for you, loads of work on your head, meeting deadlines, shouting clients, all files around the table, every second a different phone call. Ahhhhhhhh!!! That's entrepreneurship, the money will automatically come. Its completely secondary, if you are a good entrepreneur, you will have enough money, but if you will do everything money minded, you still can have a lot of money , but you will never be an entrepreneur. It is a feeling, start feeling it; your life will be not the same. Once you enter into this field, you will have a lot of options, its not necessary that the idea you started you have to stick with that, you can be flexible, and you will find a lot of opportunities. Because world is much bigger than Atlas. When we are not into the field we see it like a map on atlas, we cannot measure it volumetric, we can measure it, when we enter it.
So carry on with your ideas, break all the boundaries, get the feeling of entrepreneurship and just start off. The important thing is feeling. That is the only threshold in entrepreneurship. Just be as passionate as you can.